>>>▩ ie 8 blurry images (of texts) - how to correct blurred image with IE 8.0 ▩
>>>>공유4:컴터 카테고리의 글 | 2010. 1. 20. 00:50반응형
Do you have blurry images with Internet Explorer 8? I had the trouble a couple of days. I made every effort available, but in vain. The images facing me through IE 8 were, for example, as follows. |
You can see the difference between the upper part and the lower part. Compare the circled parts(red, blue, green) respectively, even though they are in Korean. The upper part shows the blurry image syndrome with IE 8.0. And the lower part does not, which is corrected. |
▩ ie 8.0 blurry images (of texts) - how to correct blurred image with IE 8 ▩
In the long run, I happened to find out the solution. Never imagined it's so simple and easy! Let me tell you how to correct the blurred image syndrome with IE 8.0. |
Try this! = < IE 8 > - <menu> - <view> - <enlarge/shrink> - <100%> CLICK!. I guess the page view might have been slightly enlarged (maybe 105%). I have never, EVER had it enlarged. I don't know how it could be enlarged like that! :( Anyway, I don't have blurry image with IE 8 any more. :) 2010 0120 wed 00:10 ... 00:50 by befreepak in Korea - 비프리박 - p.s. 이 글은 영어권 친구들을 위해 작성되었습니다. 관심 있으신 분들은 내용을 이해하셨으리라 봅니다만, 수일 내로 우리말로도 포스팅을 하겠습니다. 고생한 걸 생각하면. 어휴. -.-;;; |
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